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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Chart of my Political Compass test

Today I did a test on political compass test that took more than one hourse. the test is interested for me........

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Many bias

Any kind of bias always occurs on human, for example people like other that are the same opinion as, on the other hand some person love to stay with a similar group of social, education and economy status even though they have different point of view. Somehow referring to their own experience in the pass that known that they will have chance or might achieve 50%, but they still need to continue to be done. On my observation, the bias will happen when people do not play attention in term of thinking, particularly before starting doing activities. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

ROHINGYA migrant added by neighboring countries

More than hundreds of migrants crammed onto ships that have been arriving in sea border of 2nd countries. Why they have decided to escape from a childhood country? Because Rohingya minority ethnic have untreated in Myanmar. More seriously, I heard that many of them is killed and suffered from social persecution.


 Neighboring country who has directly faced with the issue can not expel them out. However Indonesia and Malaysia have provided a first aid at this moment. In order to solve the issues for long term, Asean member countries should push Myanmar to involve in direct practical solution.